Training Tips

#1 Use Kindness Not Cruelty - This is a baby, you don’t want a fearful dog.

There is nothing a puppy can do wrong that warrants cruelty. Always remember that he just wants to please you and is trying his best. If you consistently stop the puppy in the middle of the act of wrong-doing and say "NO”, the point should be made. Or you can try the ignoring theory. To a puppy, even negative attention is attention, by simply ignoring the puppy, you are showing him that he is behaving unacceptably and won’t get attention from you.

#2 Stop the Biting at the Start

New puppy owners sometimes allow their puppy to chew on hands or feet because it doesn't hurt and the puppy is just so darn cute. However, when your puppy reaches full size, those bites are going to really hurt and it will be too late to train him out of it. Discourage biting from the get-go.

#3 Learn from Others

Enroll in puppy classes. You will benefit from the instructors, as well as the other puppy parents in the class, and your puppy will begin socialization with other dogs. Great training book is priceless. My go-to is Puppies For Dummies Edition 4.

#4 Utilize a Crate or Exercise Pen

When you are not around to keep an eye on your puppy, keep him in a crate or specific playroom or area just for him. Most puppies quickly learn to restrain their bladder, as they do not wish to make a mess of their personal space.

#5 Hold the Leash Properly

In holding the leash, make sure that you do not hold it too tightly; there should be enough slack so that your puppy does not feel any discomfort. It takes some getting used to, since it is common for most dog-owners to hold on to the leash too tightly at first.

#6 Try the Replacement Theory

Replacement theory is a way to keep your puppy from chewing on inappropriate things. Remember, he doesn't know any better. So when you catch him with your shoe, firmly say no, take it away, and replace it with something your puppy is allowed to chew on.

#7 Use Treats

Treats are far and away the best training trick. As Dr. Lisa Radosta puts it: 'If you want to train your dog effec-tively, you have to find his 'currency." She goes on to suggest finding a treat that will make your puppy do back flips, so that when you move on to harder commands, such as coming to you instead of chasing a cat, your dog is more inclined to listen. Small pieces of Stella & Chewy freeze dried dinner patties or chicken cold cuts are my go to.

#8 Be Confident

Dogs need to know who is in charge from the start. Commanding him confidently, holding his leash confidently - all of these things let your dog know that he isn't running the show, you are.

#9 Be Consistent

Consistency is the key to keeping your puppy from becoming confused. If you tell him one thing one day and another the next, you cannot expect him to learn properly.

#10 Be Patient

Remember that your puppy is just a baby and you are training him because he truly doesn't know any better. There will be accidents in the beginning and you need to stay patient with him if you want to achieve success.