
  1. The Breeder warrants that the above dog is in good health, and the Breeder will refund the above purchase price of the puppy in full to the buyer if within 7 days of purchase (and the return of the puppy to the Breeder) the Breeder is provided with a good written statement by a doctor of veterinary medicine stating that the above puppy is suffering from an infinity or disease on the date of purchase. The vet's paperwork must include the name and address of the buyer, and the disease or illness which renders it unfit for purchase. The Breeder's liability is limited to the purchase price of the puppy within the time frame stated above unless written authorization to seek further medical advice or testing has been given by the Breeder. The breeder has the right to choose what veterinary doctor or hospital this puppy is tested by.

  2. We will insure your puppy for the first month with Trupanion. This is free insurance that you need to sign up for. You DO NOT have to signup beyond that month. Your policy automatically drops at the end of the month that begins the day of pick up. NO PUPPY LEAVES HERE WITHOUT INSURANCE.) You can sign up while you are here or several days in advance (recommended as it takes about 20 minutes). You MUST bring your policy number as it must be on your contract. Here is what you need to sign up in advance: Call 24/7 (855) 266-2156. You must give them my breeder number BR2HF122920 and the pick-up date. I am responsible for the first year of your puppy's life for generic healthcare, but typical things that can happen to a puppy in the first month, examples are giardia, coccidia, swallowing a foreign object, etc are covered by Trupanion (not vaccines and scheduled office visits). Let’s hope you never need it. This is a must for taking your puppy home #______________________________. 

  3. Additionally, if in the first year of the dog's life, he develops a hereditary or congenital condition that adversely affects the health of the dog (see paragraph 1 for statement requirements) we will take one of three actions to be acceptable to both the breeder and the buyer.

1) upon return of the dog we will refund the purchase price.

2) upon return of the dog you will be given a new puppy from the next available litter.

3) if you choose to keep your dog we will pay, directly to your vet, for the procedure deemed necessary as agreed upon by your vet and mine. This payment is limited to the price of the procedure and not to exceed the purchase price of the dog exclusive of CT state tax. 

4. No guarantees are issued or implied regarding "bite deterioration". In plain English, this refers to the development of the teeth - ie overbite or underbite. 

5. When asked about size and color of puppy, we will do our best to give an educated guess but can’t guarantee the size and color they will become.

6. The leptospirosis vaccines can be problematic for small dogs. We urge you to discuss this with your vet and follow their advice. We will advise you, though, that if you choose to have the vaccine please do not have it in conjunction with other vaccines, and definitely have your vet give Benadryl before getting the vaccine.

7. The buyer agrees to provide proof of sterilization by a licensed vet. The buyer also agrees to NOT have your male neutered prior to one year of age. Spaying your female is generally done around 9 months.

8. We reserve the right of first pick on any litter for show or other reasons.

9. The buyer does hereby agree to make this Dog a part of the family unit, by furnishing proper love, attention, food, vaccinations, and medical care and by not keeping them as an outside or watchdog. Havenese will suffer if left alone for long periods of time and do not do well outside alone. 

10. If at any time, this Puppy is to be sold or given away, or should the Buyer determine that they are unable to provide a caring, stable environment for it, the Breeder is to be notified in writing by certified mail and the puppy is to be returned to the Breeder for re-homing. Any deviation from these requirements must first be approved in writing by the Breeder.

This sales agreement has been read by both parties and the undersigned Buyer and Breeder and their signatures affixed hereunder shall attest to their complete agreement and understanding of the contents herein. There are no verbal promises or commitments offered to the Buyer of said Dog; only those guarantees listed herein shall be honored by both parties. This shall be deemed a legal and binding contract and therefore failure to live up to its terms can mean legal ramifications, with the party at fault being responsible for any legal fees incurred by the opposing party. If the Buyer is found to be in violation of this contract and said Dog is redeemed by Breeder, the Buyer agrees to sign over to the Breeder the official AKC registration papers as soon as judgment has been made by the courts.